Category: Electronics


DIY anti-intruder alarm with video surveillance and mobile alert

Greetings sailors, Today we are going to learn how to make a surveillance system for the interior of our boat so that it warns us if someone slips into it and to be able to monitor the interior of it. And all this spending about 18$ on materials. In reality, the solution that we are going to carry out is exactly the same to protect […]


How to get free WIFI on your boat

Greatings Sailors, Today we are going to see all the steps necessary to install a WIFI network on our boat, how to give it free Internet when we are at the dock, and how to back up that Internet with another one for when we are sailing. This post can also be applied to have free WIFI in your van, motorhome, or vacation house… In […]


Convert car radio into plotter for boats

Today we see step by step the most economical way to obtain a plotter, with a 7-inch touch screen, for our boat that will have little to envy of the most advanced of the big brands. With a 60 euro car radio, we will build a nautical plotter that has it all. It will even be used to view our boat’s cameras, or as a […]


DIY Remote control for Raymarine ™ Seatalk ™ autopilots

In this post we are going to see all the details of how to build a remote control for the autopilot of our boat. Both the more traditional version, with relays connected directly to the buttons on the display, and the good version that connects to the SeaTalk bus of our Raymarine pilot and works in the same way as the original Raymarine remote control. […]


Raspberry Pi and IMU sensors

We return to the Raspberry Pi and we are going to see how to add additional sensors to it. Specifically, we are going to add an IMU, which connected by I2C and for less than 4 euros, will allow us to control aspects of our boat such as heel, trim or heading. This is the basis to be able to build an autopilot for our […]


Node-RED Automation

Today we will see how to AVOID your OUTBOARD, or the auxiliary, or any VALUABLE accessory of our boat from being STOLEN. Because we are going to see how, in a very simple way, we can make our boat know that things and people are on board and that it notify us when something is missing or that it is ahead and do things like […]