Wifi 12V battery monitor. DIY
Do you want to know how to control the batteries of your boat, van or motorhome from anywhere in an affordable and simple way?
🛠️ In this video, we show you how to build a WiFi battery monitor using the amazing Shelly UNI, for less than 20 euros! 💸
A monitor for 12V and 24V batteries, with alerts to your mobile in case of problems and temperature control.
In addition, you will discover the multiple possibilities of this device to turn any equipment on your boat into a smart device and control it remotely. 🌍
⚡ Ideal for those looking for accessible technology and practical solutions for life on board or on the road.
✅ You will learn to:
🔹Monitor the status of your batteries in real time 📊
🔹Configure the Shelly UNI step by step
🔹Explore other great applications of this device
The material you will need is the following:
✅ The Shelly UNI:
🔵 From manufacturer https://us.shelly.com/products/shelly-plus-uni
🔵 Distributor in Spain https://shellyspain.com/shelly-uni-implante-con-2-micro-reles.html
✅ The Shelly Smart APP:
🔵 Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cloud.shelly.smartcontrol&hl=es&gl=US
🔵 iOS: https://apps.apple.com/es/app/shelly-smart-control/id1660045967
✅ Temperature probe:
🔵 On AliExpress https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_oCK3sgh
🔵 On Amazon https://amzn.to/3E0AMhN
✅ Boxes to assemble everything:
🔵 On Aliexpress https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_oDJJ401
This is the basic scheme that you will have to assemble

You can also easily add a temperature probe:

But with the Shelly UNI you will be able to build many more alarms and inventions, such as these:

And if you prefer everything done, well we have found a device that does almost everything, although we have not tested it yet, so don’t blame us if it works badly..
✅ The new all-in-one WiFi meter that I discovered while recording the episode (Yet to be tested):
🔵 https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_oCChx7L